The ozone layer sits in the stratosphere between 15 km and 30 km over the earth and safeguards us and other living things from the sun's hurtful bright radiation. Ozone layer consumption could genuinely affect human wellbeing and the climate.
Key facts:
A huge decrease in the utilization of ozone-draining substances (ODS) has been accomplished worldwide starting around 1986. This decrease has generally been driven by the 1987 Joined Countries Climate Program (UNEP) Montreal Convention.
The biggest authentic degree of the ozone opening — 28.4 million km² — happened in September 2000. This region is identical to just multiple times the domain of the EU.
In late September 2022, the Antarctic ozone opening arrived at its most extreme area of 24.5 million km².
Up until early November 2022, the Antarctic ozone opening has been also huge and dependable to the ones kept in 2021 and 2020.
Exhaustion of stratospheric ozone happens over the two sides of the equator of the Earth. In any case, this peculiarity is more articulated in the Southern Half of the globe (Antarctica) than in the Northern Side of the equator (Cold). This is the case on the grounds that the development of the ozone opening is straightforwardly connected to the stratosphere's temperature. When temperatures decrease underneath - 78°C, polar stratospheric mists will more often than not structure, which worsen ozone exhaustion. In the Antarctic, long presence of low temperatures in the stratosphere is animating their development, while the Icy is portrayed by bigger year-to-year meteorological changeability.
By and large, the ozone opening is characterized as the area in which ozone segment values add up to 220 Dobson Units (DU) or less, set apart by the thick form line and addressed in blue varieties in Figure 1. This is just evident in the Southern Half of the globe. Here, the biggest authentic degree of the ozone opening 28.4 million km² (Figures 1 and 2) happened in September 2000. This region is comparable to in excess of multiple times the domain of the EU.
Maximum ozone hole extent over the southern hemisphere, from 1979 to 2022
In 2000, the ozone hole reached its maximum extent since 1979 and has stopped increasing in size in subsequent years, which is attributable to the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol (for more information, see the EEA indicator 'Consumption of ozone-depleting substances'). Since 2001, with ODS emissions in check, the ozone layer is showing signs of healing with variations in size between years that are strongly driven by stratospheric temperature, with warmer temperatures leading to a smaller ozone hole, such as in 2019 (for more information, visit the website of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service).